Page Five

Zack could not believe they had forgotten his birthday.  They were too busy with their own lives.  Zack thought that was messed up.  To his surprise, Rita remembered his birthday and sent down the Nasty Knight to battle him.  Zack quickly morph into action.  Black Ranger battled Nasty Knight with his Power Ax.  He was soon joined by the rest of the Power Rangers.  The Nasty Knight was a tough opponent.  The Nasty Knight fired all their Power Weapons.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers then tried using their Blade Blasters, but Nasty Knight fired them as well.  Rita made Nasty Knight giant size.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon their zords and formed the Megazord.  The battle continued to be difficult.  Red Ranger told Zordon they needed the Power Sword now.  The Power Sword was sent, but Nasty Knight soon had it fired as well.  The Megazord was knocked to the ground and Nasty Knight kicked the Megazord around.  Black Ranger soon figured out what was happening.  Black Ranger told the rest of the Rangers that Nasty Knight was reflecting back all their weapons' energy back at them.  Black Ranger thought they should give Nasty Knight some of his power reflected back along with some extra power of theirs..  It worked and Nasty Knight was destroyed.  Afterwards Zack and his friends headed back to the Juice Bar.  Zack was surprise to see the place was dark and wondered where Ernie was.  The lights were switched on and a crowd shouted out Happy Birthday Zack.  Zack was totally blown away.  Zack was thrilled and couldn't believe his friends had him thinking that they had forgotten.  The cake-o-matic began making funny noises.  Ernie ran over to it - he thought it was fixed.  Billy hurried over to help him, but the cake batter poured out of the machine.  The rest of the crowd danced to the music the band was playing.  His troubles behind him, Zack leaped into the party and began dancing his heart out.

Zack, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly were at the fair.  Zack was trying out some stilts as his friends and a clown watched.  Zack had an easy time on the stiles and began dancing around on them.  Once he did he lost his balance and fell to the ground.  Jason caught him before he completely hit the ground.  Zack joked around that Jason was his big hero and gave him a kiss on the cheek.  Everyone laugh and helped Zack remove the stiles.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, and Billy decided to check out the rest of the fair.  They stop to see a clown, Pineapple the Clown, juggle.  Trini and her cousin Sylvia joined them.  Trini introduced Sylvia to her friends.  Pineapple the Clown juggles some eggs and then asked who would like to try.  Billy raced up and started juggling the eggs.  At that moment, Bulk and Skull walked up to them.  Bulk asked them if they had seen the sign - no geeks allowed.  The eggs landed on Bulk & Skull.  Zack and his friends laughed and then decided they wanted to watch some gymnastics and took off for a different part of the fair.  Part of the gymnastics involved Zack and his friends making a human pyramid.  Trini was the last one up as she was on top.  The human pyramid did not last long and they soon crashed onto the ground.  Trini was very upset, as Sylvia was gone.  Trini told her friends she needed to look for Sylvia and took off.  Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason enjoyed the rest of the fair.  They had just gotten off the swings when Trini came running up to them.  Trini was holding a cardboard cutout of Sylvia.  Pineapple the Clown had sprinkle some dust and it turn Sylvia into the cardboard cut out.  The fair was a trap set up by Rita.  It was decided that Trini would go to Billy's lab and Alpha 5 would meet her there.  The rest of them would warn the citizens.  Jason grabbed a megaphone and announced that the fair was a trap set by Rita.  Zack, Kimberly, and Billy directed the citizens out of the fair.  Once the fair was empty, several clowns started walking towards them.  All the clowns, except Pineapple the Clown, revealed that they were Putties.  Zack, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly battled the Putties.  They used the fair ground equipment to help them in their battle.  Eventually the Putties were defeated and only Pineapple the Clown was left.  Pineapple the Clown revealed that he was actually the monster Pineoctopus.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, and Billy morphed.  More Putties arrived, along with Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt.  Black Ranger, Red Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Blue Ranger battled the Putties.  Pineoctopus managed to get away, but the four Rangers soon tracked him down.  Pineoctopus tried to sprinkle some dust on them, but it didn't land on the four Rangers.  Rita made Pineoctopus giant size.  Yellow Ranger returned.  Alpha 5 had restored Sylvia.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers summon the zords and battle Pineoctopus.  The Rangers then formed the Megazord and the battle continued.  The Rangers destroyed Pineoctopus.  After the battle, everyone returned to the fair.  It was no longer a trap.  Everyone had a great time at the fair.

Zack, Trini, Billy, and Jason are playing volleyball in the park.  Billy misses a shot and hits the sand.  Zack runs after the ball and grabs it.  Everyone tells Billy he is doing great.  Kimberly brings over a tray of cold drinks to the picnic table.  Kimberly announces the drinks as Billy gets back up.  Billy walks over to the picnic table and Kimberly takes his place in the game.  Kimberly misses a shot and laughs it off.  Trini and Jason win the volleyball game.  Everyone is in high spirits until several Putties suddenly arrive.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason battled the Putties.  the teens have a tough time against the Putties.  After awhile, the Putties suddenly vanish.  Zack, Jason, and Trini gather together and Trini wonders what's next.  Billy and Kimberly have walk over to the picnic table.  After a few moments, Zack, Trini, and Jason walk over to them.  Zack asks them if they are okay.  Kimberly yells at them to get out of her face.  Billy also yells to get out of her face.  Jason asks what is wrong with you?  Billy responds that nothing is wrong with him and asks Jason what is wrong with him, while jabbing a finger at his chest.  Trini suggests another game of volleyball.  Billy tells them volleyball is for dorks.  Billy tells Kimberly it's time to kick it and Kimberly laughs as they walk away.  Trini thinks they had too much sun.  The following day, Zack is walking down the hall of Angel Grove High School.  Zack is carrying his basketball as he heads over to Trini and Jason, who are standing by the lockers.  Zack puts his basketball away as Trini voices that she hopes Billy and Kimberly are feeling better.  Zack, Trini, and Jason are distracted by Bulk and Skull, who are across from them.  Bulk is struggling to open his locker.  Skull takes out a skull and a very dust book from his locker.  Bulk manages to finally get his locker open and various food and other items fall out of it and onto the floor.  Zack, Jason, and Trini laugh.  Zack, Jason, and Trini spot Kimberly and Billy walking down the stairs.  Kimberly and Billy run up to a student and toss him around, asking for money.  The student claims he doesn't have any.  they let him go and he takes off running.  Billy and Kimberly continue walking down the hall.  Zack and Trini greet them, but Kimberly and Billy blow them off.  Instead, Billy and Kimberly walk over to Bulk and Skull.  Kimberly makes a date with Skull and Billy threatens Bulk.  Bulk becomes scare and drags Skull away.  Zack tells Trini and Jason he can't believe Kimberly and Billy have turned punk on them.  Moments later, Zack, Trini, and Jason are teleported by Alpha 5 to the Command Center.  Billy and Kimberly are there as well, encase in a transparent force field.  Billy and Kimberly are outrage to be contained.  Kimberly threatens to kick their sorry bums.  Trini asks Zordon what is wrong with them?  The viewing globe shows Baboo placing punk potion in their drinks, which turned them from good to bad.  The only cure is a potion made from the sap of the singing squash.  A rate root found only in certain dimensional gaps.  Eons ago, Zordon had found the root in the dimensional gap on Bromak 5.  Zack doesn't know which is worse, the singing squash or the Putties.  Zordon tells them, drinking the sap from the singing squash is the only hope Kimberly and Billy have of returning to normal.  The alarms go off.  Zordon tells them Rita has taken advantage of the situation and released the Terror Toad.  It must be stopped.  Billy and Kimberly can see the Terror Toad on the viewing globe.  Kimberly is very impress with the toad.  Zordon informs Zack, Trini, and Jason that the Terror Toad is Rita's most evil creation yet.  Zack, Jason, and Trini morph and teleport out.  They arrive n Angel Grove.  Black Ranger, Red Ranger, and Yellow Ranger battle the Terror Toad with their Blade Blasters.  The three Rangers have a difficult time with the Terror Toad.  Yellow Ranger is knocked to the ground.  Terror Toad's tongue becomes yellow and wraps around Yellow Ranger.  Yellow Ranger turns into a yellow ball on Terror Toad's tongue.  Terror Toad retracts his tongue and swallows Yellow Ranger.  Black Ranger and Red Ranger fire at Terror Toad with their Blade Blasters.  Black Ranger is ready to jump in, but Red Ranger urges caution.  Black Ranger has his Power Ax and Red Ranger his Power Sword.  The two Rangers battle Terror Toad with their Power Weapons.  Terror Toad knocks Black Ranger to the ground.  Terror Toad sticks out his tongue and wraps it around Black Ranger.  Black Ranger turns into a ball which Terror Toad swallows.  Black Ranger's helmet appears on Terror Toad's stomach, as did Yellow Ranger's.  Meanwhile, Alpha 5 had made the anti-dote and given it to Kimberly and Billy.  They immediately returned to normal.  Pink Ranger and Blue Ranger arrived at the battle.  Blue Ranger cut off Terror Toad's horn, which made him mad.  Terror Toad swallowed Red Ranger and Blue Ranger soon followed.  Pink Ranger fired her Power Bow and several arrows hit Terror Toad in the neck.  Black Ranger, Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Yellow Ranger were released and hit the ground.  They quickly got up.  Each Ranger had their Power Weapon drawn.  Black Ranger had his Power Ax, Yellow Ranger her Power Daggers, and so forth.  Baboo had been standing next to Terror Toad, helping him, but he quickly runs away.  The Rangers battled Terror Toad with their Power Weapons.  Going in by twos and ones.  Pink Ranger is last and she fires her Power Bow.  Terror Toad is destroyed by the Power Bow.  The following Saturday, Zack and his friends are at the Youth Center.  There is a net open and Zack and Billy are practicing volleyball.  Jason is working out with weights.  Trini and Kimberly are practicing gymnastics.  Bulk & Skull walk in.  Skull is dressed up with a suit jacket, vest, and bow ties.  Skull is carrying black flowers.  Bulk & Skull walk over to Kimberly and Trini.  Skull grabs Kimberly and asks her if she is ready to tear up the town?  Kimberly pulls away from him.  Skull is confused - he thought they had a date.  Skull suggests getting some frog legs.  Bulk uses some mouth spray and suggests a double date.  Billy walks up and tells Bulk that Trini and Kimberly don't date Neanderthals.  Bulk points out Billy isn't so tough anymore.  The challenge is a game of volleyball.  Bulk and Skull on one side, with Zack and Billy on the other.  The games starts.  The ball hits Skull on the head.  It isn't long before Bulk and Skull get tangle up in the net and fall to the floor.  Bulk mutters he hates volleyball, which Skull repeats.  Zack, Trini, Billy, Jason, and Kimberly laugh.

The Youth Center was hosting a dance later that day.  The place was full of teens decorating for the party.  Zack and Billy entered the Youth Center, carrying a banner.  A few moments later, Bulk ran straight into the banner on his skateboard.  The banner covered his face as he kept riding.  Bulk headed straight for Jason and Trini.  Jason leaped out of the way.  Trini was unaware of the commotion and had been practicing her kick with Jason.  Trini accidentally kicked Bulk.  Trini called out an apology.  Bulk removed the banner from his face and was now heading towards Kimberly who was working on her gymnastics.  Bulk called her a dorkette as he yelled at her to move.  Kimberly leaped out of the way.  Kimberly yelled back at Bulk to watch where he is going.  Bulk yelled he goes where he wants to go.  Ernie was walking in with a cake.  Bulk was heading straight for Ernie and was unable to stop.  Bulk crashed into Ernie and his face fell into the cake.  Zack and his friends gathered around Bulk and Ernie.  Skull asked Bulk if he was sure this was where he wanted to go.  Zack and his friends laughed.  Ernie was not amused.  Ernie grabbed a hold of Bulk & Skull and told them they had to follow the rules.  Bulk & Skull needed to reimburse Ernie for the cake and they were not allow back in.  Ernie tossed Bulk & Skull out.  Zack and his friends had overheard the conversation.  Zack laughed and told his friends that Bulk & Skull never learn.  Zack then offered to teach Billy some dancing moves, giving a small demonstration.  Billy declined.  Billy was not interested in dancing to attract female attention.  Zack remarked to each his own and walked away.  Zack soon joined Jason, Kimberly, and Trini as they watched Billy and Marge.  Billy and Marge had bumped into each other and there was an instant attraction.  Marge's necklace had slipped off and Billy gallantly placed it back on Marge's neck.  Jason asked Zack if he was still sure he should give Billy tips on how to meet girls.  Zack, good naturedly, remarked what could he say - it looked like a match made in heaven.  Zack, Trini, Jason, and Kimberly stood at the counter with Ernie.  They were close to the table that Billy and Marge were sitting at.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, and Trini watched them with amusement.  Billy caught them one time and they averted their faces.  After awhile, Trini called out Billy's name.  Jason pointed to his communicator and told him it was kind of an emergency.  Billy excused himself walked up.  Jason told Billy to ask Marge out.  Billy was outrage - this was the emergency.  Zack told Billy it wasn't the biggest emergency of his life.  Trini encourage Billy, telling him he can do it.  But Billy couldn't.  Marge got up from the table and told Billy that she had to go.  Marge then asked Billy if he would escort her to the party.  Billy was thrilled and told her definitely.  Billy suggested they meet at the lake at the park at four o'clock to get to know each other better prior to the evening's engagement.  Marge thought it was a capital idea.  Billy suggested that maybe they could exchange ideas on his weather device.  Marge thought it was the perfect place to discuss the weather.  Billy and Marge left.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Jason stayed at the Youth Center and helped with the decorations.  After awhile, Jason walked over to Zack, Trini, and Kimberly.  On Jason's communicator, they could hear Billy calling out for help.  Billy was surrounded by Putties at the lake.  Jason reassured him that they were on their way.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, and Trini raced out of the Youth Center.  They arrived at the park and quickly leaped into battle.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Jason had a difficult battle against the Putties, but they eventually defeated them.  Zack, Trini, Jason, and Kimberly gathered around Billy.  Billy was upset.  Billy told them that Marge had never shown up, but her necklace was here.  Billy was worried that something had happened to Marge.  Just then Jason's communicator went off.  It was Zordon and he needed them in the Command Center right away.  Zack and his friends teleported to the Command Center.  Billy asked Zordon what had happened to Marge?  Zordon told them Rita had set a trap for Billy.  Madame Woe had mistaken Marge for a Power Ranger and captured her.  Billy felt it was all his fault.  Alpha 5 reassured him that it wasn't.  Kimberly told Billy that had taken care of Rita's bogus monsters before and they would take care of this one.  Zordon directed Zack and his friends to the viewing globe.  The viewing globe showed Madame Woe.  Zordon told them that Madame Woe can control the heat, cold, wind, and rain through the crown jewel on her forehead.  Madame Woe can also transport people to another dimension.  Madame Woe is a very formidable opponent.  The teens would need to destroy the crown jewel.  They would also need to combine the power of all five power coins.  One teen would have to assume all the power.  Billy stepped forward and volunteered for the task.  Zack and his friends morphed and teleported out.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrived at the beach where Madame Woe was waiting.  Before the Rangers could strike, Madame Woe transported them to the same dimension Marge was in.  Blue Ranger made sure Marge was okay and then return to the rest of the Rangers.  Madame Woe entered the dimension.  Madame Woe used her long blue braids to toss the Rangers around.  Madame Woe laughed throughout the battle.  Black Ranger and Red Ranger battled Madame Woe with their Power Ax and Power Sword.  Madame Woe knocked them to the ground.  Blue Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Yellow Ranger used their Blade Blasters against Madame Woe.  They were knocked aside as well.  Black Ranger told them that none of their weapons worked against Madame Woe.  They needed to come up with a plan and fast.  Blue Ranger raced up to Madame Woe with his Power Lance.  Madame Woe grabbed Billy by the neck and held him in the air.  Blue Ranger realized they could not defeat Madame Woe in this dimension.  They needed to return to their own.  Blue Ranger managed to kick himself away from Madame Woe.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers pulled out their power coins and combined the power.  This allowed Blue Ranger to leave the dimension.  Madame Woe quickly followed Blue Ranger out.  Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Red Ranger gathered around Marge.  They told her to stay hidden once they get out.  After awhile, they could hear Blue Ranger's voice.  He told them Madame Woe was greatly weaken (he had crushed the crown jewel) and they should be out soon.  Within moments, they were.  Marge stayed hidden, as Black Ranger, Red Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Yellow Ranger joined in the battled against Madame Woe.  Black Ranger and the rest of the Rangers formed the Power Blaster.  Madame Woe was destroyed by the Power Blaster.  After the battle, the Rangers gathered around Marge.  Marge was very impress with the Rangers, but couldn't find the words to express it.  Blue Ranger suggested "totally awesome".  Marge replied exactly.  That evening, Zack and his friends attended the dance at the Youth Center.  Zack was dancing solo.  A crowd had gathered and clapped along to the music.  When Zack was done, everyone applauded.  Jason, Kimberly, and Trini walked up to Zack in high spirits.  Bulk and Skull had attended the dance as well, dressed in disguises.  Ernie quickly figured out who they were and removed their fake glasses and mustaches.  Ernie told them they had to reimburse him or leave.  Bulk retrieve his money from his bank, which was between his toes.  Bulk waved the money under Ernie's nose.  Ernie felt faint and fell into the cake.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, Marge, and Jason hurried over and helped Ernie back up.  Jason joked that it wasn't time for the cake - they still had to serve the sandwiches.  Ernie agreed, but first he needed to work up an appetite.  Ernie started to dance his way onto the dance floor.  A conga line formed behind him as Kimberly, Trini, Marge, Billy, Jason, and Zack danced their way onto the dance floor.  Zack danced with Kimberly and had a great time.

At the Youth Center, Jason is working out on the punching bag as Zack holds it for him.  Zack spots Angela.  Zack is very smitten with Angela.  Jason teases Zack about whether Angela even knows him.  Zack steps up to the challenge and approaches Angela.  Zack asks her if she has any time for the Zack man.  Angela replies get real.  Jason feels bad for his friend.  After awhile, Alpha 5 contacts Zack, Jason, Trini, and Billy.   Zack, Trini, Billy, and Jason teleport to the Command Center.  Zordon fills them in on what is happening with Kimberly.  (Kimberly is flying a small plane, her passengers, Uncle Steve, Bulk and Skull are knocked out.)  Zordon tells the four teens not to worry as Kimberly is a bright and capable girl.  Billy, Jason, Zack, and Trini walk over to the viewing globe where they can see Kimberly flying the plane.  They become concern when they see her heading towards the mountains.  Plus the plane's fuel is running dangerously low.  The alarms go off once more.  Zordon tells the four teens this is why he has contacted them.  Snizzard is wrecking havoc in the park.  Zordon tells the four teens he will have Alpha 5 instruct Kimberly on how to land the plane.  Trini tells Alpha 5 to take care of Kimberly.  Jason, Zack, Trini, and Billy morph and teleport out.  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger arrive in the park.  They immediately pulled out their Blade Blasters and start battling Snizzard.  After using the blade part of the Blade Blasters, they place the Blasters into gun mode.  The four Rangers fire and are knocked down.  Yellow Ranger points out that the apple on top of Snizzard deflected their power back at them.  Meanwhile, Kimberly is panicking as she is heading straight for the mountains.  Alpha 5 guides Kimberly on how to make a turn.  Kimberly makes the turn successfully.  Red Ranger contacts Alpha 5.  The four Rangers are having a difficult time against Snizzard - they need Kimberly.  Alpha 5 gives an ai yi yi.  Kimberly hears this and tells Alpha 5 to stop, he is scaring her.  Alpha 5 explains it was for the other Rangers.  They are battling Snizzard and not doing well.  Kimberly needs to land the plane as soon as possible.  Kimberly asks about her uncle.  Alpha 5 tells Kimberly they have already contacted the airport and an ambulance will be waiting.  Back at the park, Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger continue to have a difficult time against Snizzard.  Snizzard releases his snakes.  The snakes wrapped themselves around the four Rangers.  Black Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Yellow Ranger cannot break free and they start to feel their energy draining.  Snizzard battles the helpless Rangers.  Soon Kimberly lands the plane and races off to help her friends.  Kimberly morphs and teleports to the park.  Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Red Ranger are laying by a fountain.  The four Rangers are very weak when Pink Ranger arrives.  Snizzard sees her and summons several Putties.  The Putties race towards Pink Ranger.  Pink Ranger destroys the Putties with her Power Bow.  Pink Ranger releases the rest of the Rangers.  Snizzard releases several tonsil snakes.  Pink Ranger destroys them with her Power Bow.  Red Ranger instructs Pink Ranger that she needs to aim for the apple on top of Snizzard's head.  Pink Ranger hits the apple with her Power Bow and destroys Snizzard.  Afterwards, at the Youth Center, Trini is sparring as Billy watches.  Kimberly is sitting at the counter with a boy.  The boy is very impress at how Kimberly landed the plane, and Kimberly is flattered by the compliments.  Jason and Zack are also sitting at the counter and can overhear the conversation, which makes them gag.  Angela is standing behind Zack, talking to Ernie as he makes smoothies for her.  Jason and Zack begin to mock the conversation Kimberly is having the boy.  Zack gets up as he acts and accidentally bumps into Angela, who was carrying her tray of smoothies.  The tray goes flying.  Bulk and Skull walk over, pushing people out of the way.  The smoothies land on Bulk and Skull.  The place erupts in laughter.

Jason was teaching a karate class at the Youth Center.  Billy had recently rejoined Jason's karate class.  Zack is at the Youth Center with Kimberly and Trini.  The class is dismiss.  Trini and Kimberly race up to Billy and tells him what a great job he did.  Zack and Jason joins them.  Trini is very excited for her friends to meet her uncle - he had just invented a secret formula.  Jason asks Trini isn't he also a world famous martial artist?  Kimberly is surprise Jason knows this.  Jason tells her the guy is a living legend.  Billy finds some inspiration - a karate scientist.  Trini thinks her uncle would be a perfect tutor for Billy.  Trini spots her uncle at the same time as he spots her.  Trini runs up and gives her uncle a big hug.  Trini tells her uncle these are her friends.  Trini goes and pulls Billy up and introduces Billy to Uncle Howard - hoping he would train him in karate.  Uncle Howard tells Billy with karate training, he can sharpen his body and his mind.  Billy thinks this is great.  Uncle Howard tells him he has a few other things he would like to teach him.  Uncle Howard walks up to Billy and leads him out of the Youth Center.  Jason tells Zack, Trini, and Kimberly that he thinks Billy is in good hands.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Jason remain at the Youth Center.  Zack and Kimberly sit on some mats as Trini and Jason practice karate.  Billy runs in and tells them the Putties captured Uncle Howard.  Billy couldn't stop them.  Trini doesn't know what the Putties would want wit her uncle, he is a harmless old man.  Ernie delivers a group of black balloons to Trini.  The balloons pop suddenly and there is a note on the floor.  Kimberly picks up the note.  It is from Dark Warrior.  Dark Warrior wants them to deliver the formula in the park or Uncle Howard will be destroyed.  Zack concludes Dark Warrior is one of Rita's monsters.  Trini tells her friends she doesn't have the secret formula.  Knowing her uncle, he probably forgot where he put it.  Jason tells Trini not to worry, they will find her uncle.  Jason tells them they need to teleport to the Command Center.  Zack and his friends hurry out of the Youth Center.  Zack, Billy, Jason, Kimberly, and Trini teleport to the Command Center.  Alpha 5 and Zordon are there.  Zordon welcomes the, as he was expecting them.  Trini asks Zordon what is going on.  A monster, named Dark Warrior, has kidnap her uncle.  Zordon tells them that unfortunately Uncle Howard's creation has inspired Rito to hatch her most diabolical plan ever.  Zack and his friends are directed to the viewing globe.  there they see Uncle Howard making his formula - an invisibility formula.  Rita had dispatched Dark Warrior to get the formula from Uncle Howard.  Rita's master plan is to use the formula to make the Rangers disappear forever.  The Dark Warrior is holding Uncle Howard hostage in an abandoned cave.  Dark Warrior will destroy him if he does not get the formula.  Trini is very worried about her uncle.  Billy reassures her that they will save him.  The teens teleport to the outside of the cave.  Several Putties are guarding the entrance.  Zack, Jason, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy battle the Putties.  Eventually the Putties vanish and the teens can enter the cave.  They easily find Uncle Howard.  Uncle Howard is very happy to see them.  Uncle Howard asks them how they found him?  they tell him they got a message from Dark Warrior.  Uncle Howard asks if Dark Warrior told them about the bomb?  Jason tells him yes and they have to hurry.  Kimberly, Trini, and Jason work frantically on loosening the ropes.  Zack asks Billy if he can disconnect the bomb?  Billy becomes a little stress.  Uncle Howard tells him to use his karate training to focus his mental energy.  Billy does so and defuses the bomb.  Everyone is happy.  The ropes are loose enough for Uncle Howard to stand up.  Uncle Howard wanders off, wondering what he did with the formula.  Jason quietly contacts Zordon and tells him they have free Uncle Howard.  Zordon tell them good.  Now they have to hurry to the park and put an end to Dark Warrior.  Trini tells her friends now that Uncle Howard is safe, it's time to get Dark Warrior.  The teens morph and teleport to the park.  The Rangers battle Dark Warrior with their Blade Blasters.  It is a difficult battle as Dark Warrior has a small cannon under his wrist and fires it at the Rangers.  Dark Warrior also battles the Rangers with his sword.  Pink Ranger uses her Power Bow and fires several arrows at Dark Warrior.  Rita makes Dark Warrior giant size.  The Rangers summon their zords and the Megazord is formed.  The Rangers battle Dark Warrior in tank mode and then goes into battle mode.  Dark Warrior battles the Rangers with a chain.  Eventually the Red Ranger summons the Power Sword.  The Rangers destroy Dark Warrior with the Megazord's Power Sword.   After the battle, Zack and his friends return to the Youth Center.  Billy is taking his yellow belt test.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and the karate class watch.  Billy does really well and passes the test.  Zack, Kimberly, and Trini run up to Billy, very happy for him.  Jason tells Billy he earned it.  Billy remarks that he just had to prove to himself that he could do it.  Zack, Billy, Jason, Kimberly, and Trini start to walk away.  Bulk and Skull yank Billy away from his friends and start giving him a hard time.  Zack wants to step in and help, but Jason stops him.  Jason tells Zack Billy's okay.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Jason stand and watch as Bulk and Skull hassle Billy.  A few minutes later, Uncle Howard walks up with his formula that he found on the counter.  Within a few moments, Uncle Howard vanishes.  Zack, Trini, and Jason look around for him.  Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull are suddenly struck by an unseen force.  Kimberly directs their attention to Billy, Bulk, and Skull.  Bulk and Skull get knocked to the ground.  Billy leans over and tells them to remember to keep your mental energy tightly centered, like the nucleus of an atom.  Frighten, Bulk and Skull get up and run away.  Uncle Howard reappears next to Billy.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Jason run over to Billy and Uncle Howard.  Kimberly tells Uncle Howard that was great.  Zack and his friends laugh.

Happy Birthday, Zack




No Clowning Around


Power Ranger Punks



Peace, Love And Woe


Foul Play In The Sky




Dark Warrior

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